2025 Innovation Awards

The Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Awards are substantial awards offering funding of up to HK$5 million each for research expenses to be used over five years at the discretion of the recipient. The objective is to identify a small number of exceptionally talented scientists from all countries working at an internationally competitive level and to offer substantial support to these “rising stars” at a formative stage in their careers. The Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Awards are designed to enable recipients to pursue their own scientific, intellectual and professional inclinations, to advance their expertise, to engage in bold new work, and to contribute to the development of education and research in Hong Kong. For more details of this and other requirements, please see the notes for applicants.

Apply here
In the first instance your application is considered by your University research panel. The panel may then choose to submit it to the Croucher Foundation for further assessment and peer review.

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